Julia´s Pointing BF-Collection

Julia´s Guests

last update: 09.05.2005 (prev 15.12.2004)

Take a look at this extraordinary beautiful girl. She has a great toepointing, flexible feet, and if you want to see more of her, click onto the banner below.
These pics are just a small selection of the series in our members area.

9´th May 2005
Check Eva´s first clip - available for instant download at our store.
Click here to go to the clip
Click on the pics
to view the original size
Update from 15/December/04
Update from 18/February/03
Update from 10/January/03

We would like to recommend this young site with a beautiful webmistress. She has a great toepointing, flexible feet, and if you want to see more of her, click onto the banner below.
Update from 03/October/03

Our guest from Brasil with beautiful feet. We have a friendly relationship with her and Sergio since 1999. If you want to see more of her, click onto the banner below. In our members section you´ll find a special series, which they did for us.
Update from 03/March/02
Update from 16/June/03